

"Beautiful exquisite work"

Orca Dreams

Moving through our lives, we interpret what we see through the lens of our experience. An item or scene that is familiar to you may appear strange or even threatening to the next person, and what each of us perceives as plausible is shaped by our senses, learnt experience, and broader cultural setting. More often than not, those are closely interrelated.

Created between 2017 and 2019, Orca Dreams explores the subjectivity of the boundary between the Real, the Unfamiliar, and the Surreal. Drawings range from fully realistic to clearly surreal, with a space in between that invites the observer to question their own first impression. Is this real? Is it made up? Why do you think so? And how does you reaction compare with that of the person next to you? 

Orca Dreams was a solo show at Gage Gallery (then in Oak Bay) from January 8 – 26, 2019. Individual works have been on display at the Victoria Arts Council Gallery, the Federation Gallery in Vancouver, and the Sooke and Sidney Fine Arts shows.